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What Are the Different Types of Rhinoplasty?Marotta Plastic Surgery Specialists

Long Island rhinoplasty examination

What Are the Different Types of Rhinoplasty?

There are a lot of different noses out there, which means there are a lot of different reasons that someone might seek out a rhinoplasty. Nose jobs come in many different varieties, depending on your unique conditions and what results you hope to achieve.

But it can become a little overwhelming when trying to figure out what type of rhinoplasty you need. Open approaches, closed approaches? Revisions and nonsurgical options? It can all feel very confusing when you are just starting out.

So, to help make things a little clearer, we wanted to explain the different types of rhinoplasties you might run into. (Spoiler alert, there are about six options.)

Traditional Rhinoplasty

Long Island rhinoplasty consultation

When most people think of getting a nose job, this is the variation that usually pops into their mind. It involves sedation, incisions and the restructuring of the internal nasal structure. People who seek out this procedure are generally looking to correct issues like overly large nasal humps or crooked cartilage.

While a traditional rhinoplasty does require a somewhat standard recovery period, the vast majority of patients are happy to go through that process in order to have a nose that better complements their features. This is ultimately the goal of any rhinoplasty: to create harmony within the facial appearance.

Depending on your unique anatomy and desires, two approaches to this surgery can be utilized: an open or a closed technique.

Open Approach

In the open approach, an incision is made along the columella, the small tuft of skin between the nostrils. Through this incision, your surgeon is given robust access to the internal nasal structures, allowing for more robust correction. The incision is sutured, and the scar eventually becomes virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Closed Approach

During a closed approach (sometimes referred to as an endonasal rhinoplasty), all of the incisions that are made during your procedure are done inside the nostrils. While this guarantees that there will be no noticeable scars from the procedure, it does provide slightly less access to the nasal structures. Because of this, a closed approach may not be a suitable method for anyone who needs extensive correction.

Revision Rhinoplasty

In the event that a rhinoplasty does not provide the results that a patient was looking for, it is common for them to return to a plastic surgeon to have further work done to get closer to the ideal results. This is what is known as a revision rhinoplasty — it is simply revising the previous rhinoplasty results.

Revision rhinoplasties are relatively common for a few different reasons. While it is easy to provide general improvement to a nose’s appearance, it is hard to predict how your specific nose will choose to heal after the surgery has been completed.

It is even more common in patients who prioritize getting a cheaper cost over finding a highly qualified physician and experienced in nasal procedures. While there are physicians who will do the procedure at a reduced rate, they usually do not have the same level of expertise as Dr. Steven Pearlman.

Long Island rhinoplasty model


There is little practical difference between a rhinoplasty and a septoplasty. The procedures are performed nearly identically, and the result is often very similar. The only difference between the two is the reason for having the procedure performed.

A rhinoplasty is used to improve aesthetics, while a septoplasty is performed to correct a deviated septum, which can cause breathing issues through one or both nostrils. It is important to remember, though, that many patients are diagnosed with a deviated septum when the problem may be much more complex.

The best way to move forward if you are diagnosed with a deviated septum is to speak with one of our medical professionals, who can conduct a thorough examination to ensure that septoplasty is appropriate for your conditions.

Functional Rhinoplasty

Like a septoplasty, functional rhinoplasty is less concerned about aesthetics and more concerned about — as the name suggests — functionality. Whether it is through trauma or a congenital issue, people often find that they have problems breathing through their noses outside of that caused by a deviated septum.

A functional rhinoplasty can include widening the nasal valves or nostrils or restructuring other parts of the nose to ensure proper breathability.

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

If you are looking to avoid the investments of surgical options altogether, there is a pretty standard procedure performed that is entirely nonsurgical and minimally invasive: you guessed it, the nonsurgical rhinoplasty.

It’s not very cleverly named, but it does cleverly use dermal fillers to improve the appearance of different aspects of your nose without the need for surgery, anesthesia or recovery time. This method allows patients to enjoy temporary but still long-lasting improvements to their facial contours without having to take time away from work or other obligations.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, traditionally, aims to create a very specific type of nasal structure that does not often take into consideration the traits and preferences of other ethnicities. In an ethnic rhinoplasty, however, special care is paid not to erase features that are a product of one’s ethnicity, instead looking to work those features into the design of their new nose.

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a relatively new concept, but it is growing in popularity as people continue to become more accustomed and familiar with physical features outside of their own cultures.

Achieve Your Perfect Nose with Rhinoplasty in New York

If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty and how it can help you improve your facial contours, give our office a call at 631-212-8231 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to setting you up with an appointment, answering any questions you may have and being a resource for you during this process.

At Marotta Plastic Surgery Specialists, one of our core values is maintaining a patient-centric model. So whatever you need to feel comfortable during this process, we are happy to provide it.

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When you schedule your consultation with Marotta Plastic Surgery Specialists, you can feel secure that the decision you are making is the right one for you. Dr. Marotta’s expertise and skill make him a top Long Island plastic surgeon who enjoys answering your questions. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to looking good and feeling good.

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