Do you have a liposuction procedure on the books with Dr. Taglienti? Are you so anxious and excited that you don't know what to do with yourself? Then perhaps it's time to prepare your home for your postoperative recovery.
What should you do in the days leading up to your procedure to help you recuperate and get ready for the new you?
1. Take time off from work
You need to devote your full attention to getting better and looking great, not answering emails and attending meetings. Put those extra vacation days to good use and say sayonara to your office. In the appointments leading up to your procedure, Dr. Taglienti will let you know exactly how much time you'll need to recover.
"Who said recuperation had to be boring?"
2. Get cooking
Eating well works wonders for the body, but depending on your procedure, you may find it difficult to handle heavy pans and dice veggies while you're healing. Don't fall into the take-out food trap; cook yourself a bounty of fresh foods beforehand. Freeze whatever you won't eat in the first couple days.
3. Treat every day of your recovery like a holiday
Who said recuperation had to be boring? When you go on vacation, don't you want to plan every second so you get the most out of the experience? Do the same with your recovery period.
Pick a day to watch all those movies you've been dying to get to. More of a bookworm? Head to the library and check out a novel or three. The trick is to pick activities that engage the mind but go easy on the body.

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4. Let your close friends and family know what's up
While light activity may be just what Dr. T wants you to do in the days after your procedure, certain tasks may prove difficult without a helping hand. Talk with your spouse, roommate(s), neighbors or friends and make sure you'll always have back up if you need it.
5. Set up the perfect recovery space
Where will you camp out in the days after your procedure? The master bedroom? The couch in the living room? Either way, here are a few things to consider as you put together your "recuperation station."
- Stock up on blankets and pillows: Comfort is key to a smooth, stress-free recovery.
- Keep a charger handy: Bed rest meanslots of smartphone and tablet time. Don't let a dead battery interrupt your relaxation.
- Lose the mirrors (at least for a while): It may take weeks for your body to fully heal and your procedure to show. Don't fret! Your day will come. For now, focus on getting better.
6. Do whatever else Dr. T told you to do
He is the expert, after all.
Everybody's liposuction procedure is different. In the appointments leading up to your procedure, Dr. Taglienti may have special instructions for you involving compression garments, an antibiotics regimen or over-the-counter pain medication. Pay careful attention to his recovery instructions and ask questions if you have them. If you think of something while you're at home or work, call us at your earliest convenience. Share this information with the person accompanying you to your appointment. You can't go wrong when you follow Dr. T's orders to a T.