Every year, thousands of men across the country receive cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance, boost their self-confidence and recapture their youth. From facial procedures to body-improving surgeries, men are taking control of their physical appearance.
Here are the four most popular plastic surgeries for men as reported by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:
1. Liposuction
According to Men's Fitness magazine, a person's metabolism – the body's ability to convert fuel into energy – begins to slow down around age 25 and continues to decline by 2 to 4 percent annually. The source recommended maintaining an anaerobic exercise routine to prevent muscle loss and fat gain. However, busy professionals often don't have the time necessary to form a consistent habit of hitting the gym for an hour every day.
In 2016, liposuction was the most common cosmetic surgery for men, with over 45,000 procedures performed nationwide.
2. Male breast reduction
At various stages of life, many men experience gynecomastia, a swelling of the breast area. In fact, researchers from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA estimate that 70 percent of boys experience enlargement of the breasts during puberty. In middle age, gynecomastia may appear again as the male body experiences different hormonal changes.
According to ASAPS, the number of male breast reduction procedures performed annually rose 181 percent between 1997 and 2016. Generally, recovery takes one to two weeks, and the incisions will be well hidden.

Metabolism begins to slow around age 25.
3. Blepharoplasty
More commonly known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is a procedure designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes. Puffiness around the eyes can make a person seem chronically tired despite how they feel internally. Typically, a plastic surgeonhidesblepharoplasty scarsalong the hairline for optimal results.
Combined with another aesthetic procedure, such as a hair transplant, blepharoplasty can take years off the face and help improve the patient's confidence and satisfaction with his personal appearance.
4. Rhinoplasty
Over 25,000 men undergo nose surgery every year. When the nose is out of proportion with the rest of the face, it can lead to negative self-esteem. Rhinoplasty is an effective way to bring the nose into proportion, adjust its shape and repair any nasal damagethat may exist. A skilled plastic surgeon will ensure thatincisions are hidden within the natural creases of the skin. Patients should expect to continue to see improvements over the course of several months following the procedure, as sensitive tissue in this area may take some time to completely heal. Nevertheless, many patients return to work within two weeks.
Dr. Marotta is a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon. He is committed to delivering the best experience possible to his clients. Schedule a consultation today to see how Dr. Marotta and his team can help you decide which procedures are right for you.