Losing weight is a challenge, and for some people diet and exercise never quite seem to be enough. If you’ve been hitting the gym every day and still aren’t seeing the results you desire, make sure you’re considering all of your options.
Adjusting your workout routine
Though it may seem like an increase in physical activity should directly correlate to weight loss, there are many other factors at play. In fact, research from the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health, reported by Vox, indicated that three factors are at work in weight loss management:
- Resting metabolic rate.
- Energy used to break down food.
- Energy used to perform physical activity.
According to the source, someone who begins a regular exercise routine but does not reduce calorie intake is only likely to see minimal weight loss in the long run. Likewise, if calorie intake increases, the person may actually gain weight. In fact, researchers from Clermont University found evidence that many people slow down after exercise, leading to less energy use at other times of the day. This behavior can undo the work done at the gym.
Assessing your diet
Losing a significant amount of weight requires a steadfast commitment to improving your diet. As noted above, exercise alone will not guarantee optimal results. Understanding how your body metabolizes food and spends calories will help you focus your weight loss plan.
If you’ve been struggling to shed weight, consult with your doctor to determine how to adjust your diet safely. Sudden changes to your diet or level of physical activity can have negative consequences. Your health care provider can help you make gradual, sustainable lifestyle changes.
There are many online resources to help with your weight loss journey. The government provides a number of free tools to help you assess your needs and track progress. For instance, a body mass index calculator can help you determine if your current weight is considered healthy. Plus, the MyPlate SuperTracker provides a simple way to assess your daily calorie and nutrition intake.

Considering other options
It’s important to stay positive, even when you’re frustrated with the results of your exercise. Physical activity is still an important part of everyday health. Plus, there are other options available.
Though plastic surgery isn’t a replacement for diet and exercise, some procedures can help you achieve the profile and aesthetic you desire. Combined with a doctor-approved care plan, surgical procedures can help you look the way you feel on the inside.
For example, liposuction can reduce fat in problem areas such as the waistline, thighs, upper arms and buttocks, among others. Also known as lipoplasty, this procedure gently removes fatty tissue in a vacuum-like manner. Depending on how much tissue is removed, your surgeon may also recommend abdominoplasty to reduce excess skin and reposition the underlying muscles for a flatter appearance.
If you’re not ready for an invasive surgical commitment, another option to consider is SculpSure™. This breakthrough procedure utilizes light-based technology to reduce fat in targeted areas. In just 25 minutes, patients can reduce up to 24 percent of fat with little to no pain. Optimal results are typically seen within six to 12 weeks. Patients report a 90 percent satisfaction rate with this procedure.
Dr. Marotta is a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon. He is committed to delivering the best experience possible to his clients. Schedule a consultation today to see how Dr. Marotta and his team can help you decide which treatment options are right for you.