Happy Cinco de Mayo, Team!
Hope you have your margaritas ready for tonight! Haha!
It’s hard to believe that we are 7 weeks into this already! (Maybe that’ll make you want the margarita now!)
Over the past 7 weeks, I have made it my goal to bring some GOOD into your days. To reflect on the weeks:
WEEK 1 – Focus outside of yourself & harness the power to make others happy! We called friends and family and shared those stories, we reflected on a quote by the Dalai Lama, we talked about “centering yourself” to stay focused on the positive and we wrote notes to our family and friends to tell them we love them.
WEEK 2 – Look at the big picture and put things in perspective. How will you choose to spend these days in containment? How will you “Do Good” for yourself and others? We talked about moving your body and had the opportunity to try a yoga video. I shared a message of gratitude with all of you about how much i appreciate you as a team. We shared fun facts about amazing travel stories accompanied by great pictures of happy times. And we addressed the power of good sleep for good health on “Sleep in Saturday.”
WEEK 3 – Positivity! Increasing happiness by focusing on things we are grateful for. Gratitude is normal part of our weekly meetings. In week 3 we talked about the positive things about containment and even listed things about these difficult days that we are enjoying.
WEEK 4 – Cultivating Optimism. We talked how optimistic people are happiness magnets and the power of staying positive. We talked about how music can be a mode lifter and shared songs that make us happy and get us moving!
WEEK 5 – Increasing happiness with Laughter! We shared funny stories and a stupid “motivational” video (breaking the board). We made it a goal to make others laugh and recognizing the power that has in strengthening bonds with others.
WEEK 6 – Adaptability! We faced tough questions about whether we are being adaptable and reflected on the importance of being open to change. We watched a video that demonstrated how set our minds can be and how we have the power to change (arm crossing video). We closed the week with “The Oak and The Reed” and the importance of being able to adapt and bend to for greater strength and endurance.
WEEK 7 – And just like that, here we are. Haha!
This week our Do Good Focus is doing things with all our heart, not because we HAVE to, but because we WANT to.
Here is a quote by Walter Russell that I’d like you to reflect upon:
“There should be no distasteful tasks in one’s life. If you just hate to do a thing, that hatred for it develops body-destructive toxins, and you become fatigued very soon. You must love anything you must do. Do it not only cheerfully, but also lovingly and the very best way you know how. That love of the work which you must do anyhow will vitalize your body and keep you from fatigue.”
I think we are all getting to a point 7 weeks in where we are feeling frustration and fatigue. While we cannot always change the situation, we CAN change how we view it and respond to it. I challenge you to take this approach…when you have something you have to do that you don’t want to, instead of dreading the task or thinking “I HAVE to do this” tell yourself “I GET to do this.” Look at the task as one you WANT to do rather than one you are being FORCED to do. Recognize that each and every moment and interaction can either DRAIN YOU of your energy or GIVE YOU energy. WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? Think about it. What do you GET to do today? Whatever it is, do it with love in your heart! Not because you have to, but because you are fortunate to be able to do so!
Have a truly beautiful day! Xo