Our bodies are pretty good at healing themselves. When you stay fit, eat nutritious meals and keep hydrated, your body has an easier time repairing damage. However, deep cuts can lead to lasting scars. Facial scars can be especially embarrassing, and many people would rather forget about their injuries than be reminded of them every time they glance in the mirror.
The first rule for healing your scars is to be patient. It takes time for your body to repair and regrow cells, and as we age, the process tends to slow down. If you want to speed up your recovery, try the following tips:
Get your vitamins
To help your body heal, try to eat foods with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C, E, and A all help skin repair itself after damage, LiveStrong reported. These nutrients help your body's cells grow stronger and defend against infections and the signs of aging. Consider eating a diet rich in foods like kale, citrus fruits, eggs, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and nuts.

Always put sunscreen over your scars.
Protect your skin
Scar tissue is often more sensitive to the elements. Exposure to the sun's ultravioletrays or dry, cold wind can cause your scars to appear darker or more puckered. Before yougo into the sunlight, put sunscreen on your scars. Also moisturize the area to promote healing. Cocoa butter is a great option that smells pleasant, too.
Try dermabrasion
If your scars don't seem like they'regoing to go away, speak with your plastic surgeon about dermabrasion. This noninvasive procedure is quick and almost completely painless. Dermabrasion removes the top layer of dead skin with a medical wand. Your team will ensure you feel as comfortable as possible, and they will apply a protective gel dressing to further reduce irritation. Recovery time is approximately seven to 10 days.
Consider fat injections
For deep scars, such as those from a previous surgery, a mildly invasive procedure is necessary. Fat injections – taken from your own body – fill in the creased area of the scar and leave you with a natural look. Unlike synthetic fillers, fat injections have no risk of rejection and allergic reaction.
Dr. Marotta is a dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon. He is committed to delivering the best experience possible to his clients. Schedule a consultation today to see how Dr. Marotta and his team can help you decide which scar reduction options are right for you.