Photorejuvenation, also known as intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, is used to treat the appearance of aging skin. Unlike a laser, which utilizes one wavelength of light, IPL uses many. This is an important distinction to make because it makes IPL therapy safer and more efficient than a traditional laser therapy treatment.
If you want to look your best for the holidays and beyond, IPL therapy can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
What can you treat with photorejuvenation?
IPL is commonly used to treat the following:
- Acne.
- Spider veins.
- Rosacea.
- Sun damage.
- Nevus flammeus (port wine stain).
- Cherry hemangiomas.
Photorejuvenation breaks down the damaged cells often associated with these skin conditions, allowing your body to absorb the broken-down material, leaving healthy skin unharmed. The procedure can be used on the face, neck, chest, back, arms and legs.

IPL therapy can reduce the appearance of rosacea and acne.
Who should consider photorejuvenation?
If you're looking for a noninvasive treatment option for your mild skin conditions, IPL therapy may be right for you. Dr. Marotta and his team of specialists will examine your skin to determine how many treatments are necessary to help you achieve your desired results.
Before your treatment, you'll want to avoid excessive sunlight and protect your skin with sunscreen. If you use acne medications such as Retin-A or doxycycline, among others, your doctor may ask you to stop taking these several days before your procedure.
If you're unhappy with the appearance of your skin, photorejuvenation may be able to help you feel more confident and satisfied.
What is the recovery period like?
Recovery from photorejuvenation may feel like you have a mild sunburn for up to 24 hours after your treatment. Most redness will disappear within two to three days. You should note that sun damaged areas will appear darker after treatment, then begin to fade over the next one to two weeks.
A month after your procedure, you'll meet with your doctor again to determine if another round of IPL therapy is necessary. Severe cases may require up to four treatments.
Dr. Marotta is a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon. He is committed to delivering the best experience possible to his clients. Schedule a consultation today to see how Dr. Marotta and his team can help you decide if photorejuvenation is right for you.