It's hard to find a man or woman who doesn't want beautiful and healthy skin. Creams, certain exercises and various diets all promise to improve the look of the skin. The latest addition to the list is probiotics, the naturally-occurring "good" bacteria that livein the intestinal track.
Healthy people have trillions of friendly bacteria that live inside their bodies that aid in digestion and boost immune system health. You can obtain probiotics from dietary supplements, but also foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and yogurts with live active cultures.
So what does digestive health have to do with your skin? According to an article in New York Magazine, maintaining healthy levels of good bacteria is necessary to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins.
"When our gut flora is not healthy, and there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria, a lot of problems can arise — including chronic inflammation, which is a cause of acne and other skin problems," the source states. "Some bad bacteria, fungus, and yeast can even cause inflammation in and of themselves. So, if you are looking to clear up your skin, you have to start with your gut."
While a few studies suggest that probiotics may benefit skin health, it's still unclear if eating yogurt everyday will give you a sudden glow. If you are interested in changing your diet, you may want to try it out for a few weeks and record if you notice any changes.
There's nothing wrong with eating better, but if you want to improve your skin, you may want to pursue more guaranteed solutions. To learn more about chemical peels or facials for wrinkles, contactMarotta Aesthetics Laser today!