What's your sleep schedule like? If it's like that ofmany Americans, it's probably not very healthy. Forty percent of Americans, according to Gallup, sleep less than seven hours each night. That number has remained steady over the last 30years.
Unfortunately, this has been the American way of life for decades, and it's not trending in a positive direction. A lack of sleep contributes to poor health reported the National Sleep Foundation in a press release. It can also diminish appearance.
"Sleep is our body's way of restarting itself – a necessary function to stay and look healthy."
Remember, sleep is our body's way of restarting itself – a necessary function to stay and look healthy.
"During a good night's rest, your body works to remove dead blood cells and dead brain cells, and clears the pathways for new synapses to take place so that new blood and brain cells can replace old ones," said Rebecca Robbins, M.D., Ph.D., researcher at Cornell University, according to Cosmopolitan.
When we don't obtain enough sleep, our skin texture suffers. As proof, take a study published in the British Medical Journal, which examined patients' skin before and after sleep. Researchers randomly selected 23 sleep deprived adults, photographed them after sleeping for eight hours and after not obtaining rest for 31 hours. The researchers than took photographs of the participants and showed them to people with no medical backgrounds. Researchers found that those who lacked sleep were less attractive, and appeared sleepier and less healthy than when rested.
While the study didn't consider serious long-term ramifications on skin health, it did show that sleep negatively affected how someone looked. We can safely assumethat reducedsleep ledto poor health.

Improving your skin's health isn't difficult. Make sure it's well hydrated and consider facial rejuvenation procedures.
Improve your skin
If this article has made you revaluate the health of your skin, that's good! There are plenty of ways to make your skin look youthful again.
First, drink a lot of water. K. Fetters, former online associate editor of Women's Health, said that few researchers have studied whether water improves skin health.However, she makes note of Rachel Nazarian, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist at the Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City,who does believe in water's benefits.
"I've found that water makes a big difference in skin health," said Nazarian. "Without adequate water intake, skin appears duller, and wrinkles and pores more prominent."
Second, exfoliate your skin with gentle skin care products designed specifically to increase moisture and nutrients.
Along with drinking water and cleaning properly, think about scheduling facial rejuvenation with dual-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Marotta of Marotta Plastic Surgery Specialists. Facial rejuvenation can be an excellent complement to any skin improvement plan. These procedures include several types of faceliftsand an endoscopic browlift.
Facial rejuvenation coupled with a more holistic skin care regimen can help you turn back the clock.